National Seminar on " Puppet Man and Crisis Archipelago"

Puppet show, more than just the story of entertainment, is a field of public education. Allegorical tale in the play - lakonnya reflect the struggle between good - evil in man. For centuries, puppet plays and meanings have to fill the inner space and the human imagination archipelago, determine how they think and act, which in turn helped shape their identity. Meanwhile, since the era of colonialism, the proclamation of independence and the development process on the orders of the next until now, there has been a massive social change, which not only change the physical and natural environment, but also change the way they think and act ethically radically. Many values ​​are shifted and changed.

The problem is, these changes over the seen and felt by many as a destructive changes, a decadence that has reached the level of crisis, the crisis of the social order, the natural environment and humanity. If summarized , then the roots of the above is a multidimensional crisis of human identity crisis archipelago. Can we formulate a humanitarian philosophy rooted in the traditions and values ​​of the archipelago? Can we fix the order of socio - political and socio - cultural us with reference to the human values ​​of the archipelago? How moral values ​​in Wayang performances can take part in the process?

National seminar is also intended as the opening simultaneously release a series of 11 -year agenda inaugural Warning puppet by UNESCO at the top. The seminar is open to the public, and will be the keynote speakers :

- Prof. Dr Sri Heddy Ahimsa Putra ( UGM )
- Ray Sahetapy ( Jakarta )
- KH . Yahya C. Staquf ( Majma'buhust Annahdiyah )
- M. Jadul Maula ( Pesantren Kaliopak )

This activity will be held on November 17, 2014 starting at 09.00-13.00 housed in boarding Kaliopak Yogyakarta.
